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The Desired


Your Blueprint to Grow a Profitable Jewelry Brand From The Inside Out

by Tracy Matthews

When you pre-order your Kindle copy of my brand new book, not only will you get the book at our discounted pre-order price but you’ll receive exclusive bonus access to:

The Desired Brand Effect Interview Series:

Top In-Demand Designers Reveal Their Secrets To Building 6+ and 7 Figure Jewelry Businesses

This Interview Series is valued at $497 (yours for FREE) includes three interviews I had with top in-demand designers:

Mollie Faith Good & Stephanie Walters Abramow
of Walters Faith
Oren Katz of
Carbon and Hyde

Let's face it, most jewelry designers will do just about anything to avoid the business side of their business. Tracy Mathews is that friend who will take you by the hand and walk you through the critical steps of branding, strategy and financial planning that are critical to achieving your goals. With inspiring case studies and simple exercises, Mathews coaxes her readers to embrace the structure and processes that will liberate them to focus on what they love most. Whether you need a complete overhaul or just a tune-up, this book will inspire you to take your business to the next level - and give you the tools to make good on that vision.

Nina Cooper
President, Nina Designs
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Tracy Matthews packs in the knowledge with this essential strategy book for small businesses. She brings many years of direct experience as a jewelry designer and Flourish & Thrive Academy business coach to this new format. The book will guide you through exercises and education to put your small business on track. I highly recommend it.

Hilary Halstead Scott
President, Halstead


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